
Obamacare has been in the headlines constantly over the last couple of years. Now that Supreme Court has approved the legislation, it’s time to start thinking about what the new law means for your business — and how a partnership with FRS can save you money.

Health insurance has always been a major consideration when it comes to expanding your staff. As you factor in the cost of hiring a new employee, it’s imperative that you include not just the potential salary you’ll be paying that employee, but also the associated costs, including benefits. Obviously, each employee is going to increase your benefits overhead. Just these additional costs are often enough of a reason for companies to seek the outsourcing solutions that FRS provides by supplying a dynamic laborforce without the associated expenses.

With the advent of Obamacare, however, there are now even more reasons to let FRS be your go-to source for on-demand labor. If your company does not currently offer health insurance, you may have some anxiety about the onset of Obamacare, which will require small businesses to provide their employees with health insurance. Additionally, companies who do not offer insurance may face steep penalties — as much as $2,000 per worker per year.

But it’s actually a little more complicated than that. Did you know, for example, that a company with fewer than 50 full-time employees will not face penalties for not offering insurance? That means that if you’re right under the limit, and have a sudden opportunity to expand your business, you might find yourself hesitating in a way you would not have previously, as you don’t want to cross that magic number of 50 employees.

And that’s where FRS comes in. We’re here so you never have to choose between expanding your business and keeping your fixed costs steady. As your strategic outsourcing partner, we provide the additional laborforce without ever adding to your ongoing overhead, meaning you increase productivity without making any changes to your payroll. Contact us today and find out more about starting a strategic outsourcing partnership.